Eğer İnanırsan - Kristin Hannah Pegasus Yayınları ücretsiz indir

Eğer İnanırsan - Kristin Hannah Pegasus Yayınları ücretsiz e-kitap indir

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Gerçek özgürlük, yüreğinin sesini dinleyebilmektir… Yaşadığı elma çiftliğinden bir adım enmity uzaklaşamayan güzel ve hüzünlü Mariah ile gitiği hiçbir yerde birkaç günden fazla kalamayan yakışıklı, umursamaz serseri Specialty shops Fişek,birbirlerinden çok farklı iki insanın yolarının kesiştiği yerde doğan bir aşkın hikâyesi… Mariah küçük yaşta evden ayrılmış, aşkın en acı verici haliyle tanışmış ve ailesinin yanına geri dönmek zorunda kalmıştır. Yüzleşemediği gizli geçmişi onu çiftliğin çitleri arasına hapsetmiş, hayatın renklerinden, duygulardan uzak tutmuştur. Kendine geçici bir iş arayan Specialty shops Fişek çiftliğe geldiğinde ikisinin de aklının ucundan enmity geçmeyecek bir şey olur ve aşk mucizevi bir şekilde kalplerini ele geçirir. Mor yıldız çiçeklerinin, kızarıp olgunlaşmış elmaların, sonbahar rüzgârlarının arasında gizli buluşmalarla, kaçamak dokunuşlarla yaşanan tutkulu bir aşktır onlarınki. Ama Specialty shops Fişek gibi gezgin ruhlu bir adam için özgürlüğünden vazgeçmek çok zordur. Bir tarafı kalmak istese de bunu aşk uğruna enmity yapabileceğinden emin değildir. Böylece iki sevgili, hüzünlü bir yol ayrımına gelir. Aşkın insanın hayatına anlam katan güzeliğine, verdiği cesarete ve güce dair yürek burkan, şaşırtıcı bir humanistic… “Hanah bu hikâyeyi samimiyetle, şefkatle ve canlı detaylarla yaratmış. Karakterlerini, özelikle de karanlık geçmişine rağmen dimdik ayakta duran,inançlarına tutunan Mariah karakterini sevmemek imkânsız. ” Publishers Wekly “Karakterlerinin ruh halerini ve duyguları resmetmekte Hanah’nın üstüne yok. ” The Washington Post Bok Nature.

Eğer İnanırsan - Kristin Hannah Pegasus Yayınları kitap indir bedava

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  • Dil: Türkçe
  • ISBN-10:
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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • Fiyat: 32,50 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Eğer İnanırsan - Kristin Hannah


Mr. Eugenides can do everything, or at least I am convinced of such after reading Middlesex. I passed on this book for a long time. I kept picking it up in bookstores and putting it down. I've seen quotes from it everywhere, all of which were beautiful, and kept hearing wonderful things about it from friends. To be perfectly honest, what kept me from picking it up in the subject: a hermaphrodite. I think of myself as someone with an open mind, but the thing is that I just wasn't sure if I'd be able to relate to much in this story. I made a very foolish assumption, and I'm quite embarassed about it. Middlesex is a slow burner (my new favorite term). It begins with the story of Cal/Calliope's grandparents, which seems unnecessary in the beginning, but which makes more sense with each passing page. The story then passes on to the parents, then Cal. A couple pages in, Eugenides describes a rather gruesome scene, and this was my signal that this is a no-holds-barred kind of author. He goes there. (This isn't to say that the book is filled with gruesome moments, just that he's not afraid to use them when he must.) To address the smoking gun, so to speak, yes, the main character is a Hermaphrodite. Though the reader knows it throughout the book, the main character doesn't know until they're older. It seems incredulous, but Eugenides makes it work, and makes this believable. He was smart to do things this way, because I was on the edge of my seat waiting for Calliope to discover the truth. And, most likely, he keeps a lot more not-so-open minded readers this way. There's a very frank beauty about this book - he doesn't gloss over anything, but despite the many struggles of the three generations, he doesn't feel it necessary to make his reality very bleak, either. Even when the book is at its darkest, most depressing, you're filled with sadness, but also with hope. The other great thing about Middlesex, aside from its incredible cast of characters is how well it captures society in history - first in Detroit in the '20s (a more bleak picture than '20s of The Great Gatsby), then the '60s. The '20s are focused on the invention of the automobile - the people putting them together as opposed to the people driving them, and the impact that being part of an assembly line and big business had on people, and of course, prohibition. With the '60s, Eugenides tackles race so marvelously - the chapter about the Detroit riots is probably the best in the book, for all of the anxiety and imagery that he evokes. This book is really just as much about middle class America and family ties as it is about sexuality. Don't make the mistake that I made by continually passing on this book - read it!

2020-09-11 01:05

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