Yükselen Bir Deniz: Belgesel Kitaplar DVD Hediyeli (Kapak değişebilir) Can Dündar ücretsiz indir

Yükselen Bir Deniz: Belgesel Kitaplar DVD Hediyeli (Kapak değişebilir) Can Dündar ücretsiz e-kitap indir

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31 Mart'ta gericilerin üzerine Hareket Ordusu'yla birlikte yürüyen genç yüzbaşı, siyah cilt beziyle kaplı küçük not defterinin kareli sayfalarına sabit kalemle şunları yazdı: "(...) Faziletli din alimleri başımızın tacıdır. Fakat şahsi çıkarları ve adi menfaatleri için yalandan alim kılığına bürünen birtakım hafiyeler ve çıkarcılar elbette kanun pençesinden kurtulamayacaklardır." 16 Kasım 1916 gecesi Bitlis'te öksürük nöbetinden uyuyamadığı bir gece Paris Adetleri adlı bir aşk romanı okudu.Romanın kahramanı Sappho iki aşk arasında sıkışmış özgür bir kadındı. Romanı bitirdikten sonra günlüğüne şu notu düştü: "Kadınlarla bir arada bulunma, erkeklerin ahlakı, düşünceleri, duyguları üzerinde etki yapar." Yükselen Bir Deniz, farklı bir Cumhuriyet kitabı... Daha az göster

Yükselen Bir Deniz: Belgesel Kitaplar DVD Hediyeli (Kapak değişebilir) Can Dündar kitap indir bedava

  • Yazar:
  • Yayımcı: Can Yayınları; 2. basım
  • Yayın tarihi:
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  • Dil: Türkçe
  • ISBN-10:
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  • boyutlar: 13.4 x 2 x 19.5 cm
  • Ağırlık:
  • Ciltli:192 sayfa
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Yükselen Bir Deniz: Belgesel Kitaplar DVD Hediyeli (Kapak değişebilir)


Chomsky Shocker!!! Chomsky just loooooves pointing out the hidden agendas of the New York Times, and showing how imperialistic US support hinders democracy and sometimes even helps perpetuate genocide in other parts of the world. Yeah, yeah, that's what Chomsky does, and that's great; but did you know that according to the US Labor Party (one of Lyndon LaRouche's apparently ever changing groups he uses to try to spread the 'truth' of things like Aristotleanism and how it's just fucking with us all (huh? oh why didn't I just read the magazines today instead of processing them), and that he uses for his never-ending presidential campaigns), in one of their 'fact' magazines, (issue name Carter (that would be Jimmy, this was from like 1978) and the Global Terrorists) apparently Chomsky is a Linguist from MIT, with high government clearance (yep HIGH GOVERNMENT CLEARANCE!!!!). What does Mr. Chomsky do with this kind of Government clearance? Why does the most outspoken critic of US foreign policy for the past forty years have the kind of information that would allow him to write books from this kind of information instead of just taking endless potshots at the New York Times? He has this clearance because...... ready? Are you sure you are ready for this? He's part of a secret government project to made radical zombies who will protest things like nuclear power!!! to reiterate, Chomsky makes zombies. Everything else, like this book and everything you know about Chomsky is bullshit. Really he has used his Linguist Research into the hard determinism of the human brain as a language enabling something or other (I'm not a linguist, I don't even know if what I just wrote is exactly correct) in order to turn regular people like you and me into ZOMBIES!!!! Maybe he doesn't mean literal zombies, but the article uses the term twice, so I like to think that Chomsky really made ZOMBIES!!!! With research about language acquisition. Just when I think the world is getting boring I realize that there are all kinds of things that I don't know, like the Chomsky zombies of the late 1970's. Now why didn't the New York Times cover that story?

2023-07-14 10:59

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