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Sözlerin En Güzeli Rağbet Yayınları ücretsiz e-kitap indir

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Sözlerin En Güzeli Müslüman İslam'ın Mesajına Kulak Verir. Dinleyip kulak verip de sözün en güzeli'ne tabi olanları müjdele. İşte Alah'ın hidayet nasip etikleri onlardır ve aklı başında hareket edenler de bizat onlardır. -Zümer 39-18- (Tanım Bülteninden)

Sözlerin En Güzeli Rağbet Yayınları kitap indir bedava

  • Yazar:
  • Yayımcı:
  • Yayın tarihi:
  • kapak:
  • Dil:
  • ISBN-10:
  • ISBN-13:
  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
  • Ağırlık:
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  • sınıf:
  • Yaş:
  • Yazar:
  • Fiyat: 3,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Sözlerin En Güzeli


Loved this series the best!

2023-02-07 18:47


David Thorne's online correspondence is a dangerously funny cocktail for the mind. Mixed with equal parts wit, sarcasm and insult, David serves up his email bombs with the innocent air of 12-year-old trying to cover up something naughty he has just done. I have never laughed out loud so many times while reading a book. In the comfort of my own home. At a cafe. In my hairdresser's chair. To my boyfriend's annoyance, I subjected him to many public readings from the book, taking breaks from my maniacal laughter only to check and make sure he was ROFLMFAO too. There were parts where I cringed in discomfort. He is mean. Very mean. Often righteously so, but still. Sometimes you really do feel for these people with no grasp of grammar, spelling, or common sense. They also seem to have a real problem understanding sarcasm, and usually don't get the joke until two or three emails in (which is usually when things are getting very nasty and you have to fight your dual impulses to laugh at or pity the fool). Perhaps the funniest narratives in the book are about his coworkers and friends. I have a feeling that these cursed souls, having known him for years, are used to his tomfoolery and have come to terms with it. I am honestly surprised he still retains his job after some of the things he has written (his most poisonously barbed diatribes are about his boss, Thomas). You should go read this book. It will make you laugh crazily. It will make you recoil in shame. It will amaze you that an otherwise average man in Adelaide, Austraila has the balls to go there and say that in an email, without apology, and then publish the correspondence publicly on the interwebs. So go. Read. Enjoy.

2022-11-14 13:50

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