Med Cezir'i Beklerken 2. Kitap Hyperion Kitap ücretsiz indir

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Med Cezir'i Beklerken 2. Kitap Hyperion Kitap kitap indir bedava

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  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
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  • Fiyat: 19,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Med Cezir'i Beklerken 2. Kitap


It took me a while to work out my review. The book is interesting and has some great points about how encouraging density can help the environment, foster creativity and innovation, and be fun. However, it has some flaws. First it's too long and feels very padded. Add the in fact that he uses the same cities over and over again and it feels weak. If his theories were so strong, he should have been able to provide more examples instead of using Paris, New York, etc over and over again. Second, he never addresses arguments against his case and glosses over real concerns. For example, his argument about environmentalism only focuses on cost of energy. He seems to believe that all land is equal, as though telling everyone to move to temperate areas like California wouldn't wipe out species that ONLY live in California. As though when writing land control regulation light pollution, breeding grounds, habitat size, and migration access aren't taken into account, it's just about preserving views and having trees. Also he doesn't address that cities frequently have rules that drive people out of the city. If cities have gun laws making it virtually impossible to legally own a gun, hunters and recreational shooters don't want to move within city limits. Another example is pit bull bans. So between the padding and the lack of discussion of more murky issues and counterarguments to his points, it weakens the title immensely.

2022-10-15 12:05


This was a sweet little book, just what you would expect from Liesl...I mean Charmian. She writes about the things you want to know, going into detail about her time on the set of "The Sound of Music" and how it was to work with the other actors. Julie Andrews really was that nice, Christopher Plummer really that attractive, and the kids really that close. (....and I'm thinking "I KNEW it!") She does talk a little bit about her life after the film, but it's interesting how none of the child actors involved in it have ever been able to totally leave it behind because fans just love the movie and THEM so much. Charmian did do some more acting and actually ended up as an interior designer for clients like Michael Jackson (...I know. What sort of alternate universe is that where Michael Jackson and Liesl hang out??) I thought this book was a great little read because I love that movie. I really do. Not as much as some of the fans she mentions in the book like the little English lady who saw it 940 times in the theater (that's every single day for years). But I do love it. And it was very fun to read nice things about how it was made, and who the people were who loved to be in it.

2022-08-31 11:53

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