Mavi Balon Kırmızı Kedi Yayınevi ücretsiz indir

Mavi Balon Kırmızı Kedi Yayınevi ücretsiz e-kitap indir

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Mavi Balon Mavi Balon, kutudaki renkli balonlar arasında tek mavi balondu. Bütün balonlar içinde de tek miydi acaba?.

Mavi Balon Kırmızı Kedi Yayınevi kitap indir bedava

  • Yazar:
  • Yayımcı: KIRMIZI KEDİ
  • Yayın tarihi:
  • kapak:
  • Dil:
  • ISBN-10:
  • ISBN-13:
  • boyutlar: Normal Boy
  • Ağırlık:
  • Ciltli:
  • Dizi:
  • sınıf:
  • Yaş: 3 - 6 Yaş
  • Yazar:
  • Fiyat: 11,00 TL

Kitap eleştirileri

Mavi Balon


After being told to read this book by so many people I was really expecting more. It was a decent read but not as amazing as I expected. Many of the literary allusions or metaphors were heavy handed and felt out of place in the book. I felt like Mr. Roth thought that I was an idiot since he spelled out every little thing. I appreciate it much more when an author will for instance describe an animal or item that is not part of the plot and let the reader get the connection between that description and one of the characters. It seems that every time it was done here the description ended with "like so and so". This really took me out of the book and made me feel like I was in high school english class, being told what things meant instead of figuring them out myself. The story was good, very interesting in how sad it was but how easily I could see it happen (especially being at a university which is where the story was set). The current attitude that college students have is well described in the book. Not all students are like this but there are quite a few who feel that they deserve a good grade even if they don't work for it. I wish that here Mr. Roth didn't make it seem like all students are like that since, in my opinion, it makes him sound bitter. There are still good students out there. Students who work hard and earn their grades. I could rant about this attitude forever since it is the end of the semester and my students are trying to get as many points as possible but I'll stop here.

2022-11-14 14:00

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