
Sankesh Jain Jain itibaren Vuhan, Hubei, Çin itibaren Vuhan, Hubei, Çin

Okuyucu Sankesh Jain Jain itibaren Vuhan, Hubei, Çin

Sankesh Jain Jain itibaren Vuhan, Hubei, Çin


In this book, there are murders in a near by town. Edward and his family think it is because of young vampires not being able to control their thirst. Bella wants to see Jacob really bad and during this time, Alice sees that Victoria is in town, hunting down Bella for revenge. The murders in the near town are coming from an "army" of vampires that Victoria is in control of. It ends up that the family, Jacob, and Seth fight the "army" and destroy them. In the end, Bella decides to marry Edward.