
Lindsay Garreau Garreau itibaren بيت المحياء، Yemen itibaren بيت المحياء، Yemen

Okuyucu Lindsay Garreau Garreau itibaren بيت المحياء، Yemen

Lindsay Garreau Garreau itibaren بيت المحياء، Yemen


Bu kitabın eleştirmenler tarafından "komik" olarak nitelendirildiğini gördüm. İlginç aile ilişkileri kisvesi altında çocuk taciz hikayeleri beni rahatsız etti. Kitabı sadece nasıl bittiğini öğrenmek için bitirdim ama işkence olarak gördüm.


Admittedly this is one I ought to read again. I was always bored by it, quite frankly.


Finally we have the last installment of the story of Rack and Daniel. We have left our heros with the chance of a threesome with Josh, and frankly I was a little sad cause Rack and Daniel are a wondeful couple and I have some problems to imagine someone between the two. Yes, the threesome can be interesting and I'm sure Willa could be a wonderful work, but between Rack and Daniel? I don't want nobody :-) So Josh will be educated in the joy of sex by the hand of Rack and Daniel, but they manage to not break the harmony of their relationship. How? I will let you know by yourself, cause this is a chaser, and if I tell some more about the story, you will lose your surprise. What can I say more about Rack? It's absolutely gorgeous and funny and tender and... well, I love when he is all bossy with Daniel. And now Willa has to make me happy with the story of Josh, I want to read his story!