
Sasha Prokopchuk Prokopchuk itibaren Beausite, Fransa itibaren Beausite, Fransa

Okuyucu Sasha Prokopchuk Prokopchuk itibaren Beausite, Fransa

Sasha Prokopchuk Prokopchuk itibaren Beausite, Fransa


Meh. The author was waaaaaaay too starstruck by his subject. Also, he trashed "Labyrinth." WTF?


I read this book quite a while back and love it. However to sum up what this book is all about I will quote you a discussion I had with my girlfriend after she read it: Her- why was he and everyone else so stupid? Me- (with a serious face) Because the books called The Idiot. And that really is all there is to the book. Anyone who has studied Dostoevsky extensively like I have, comes to see that all his novels are pretty much the same. All are period pieces where everyone is sad, scheming and their worlds are slowly crumbling around them... where the bad win more than the good and people drink a lot of vodka. His books are hard reads because they can be same damn depressing and dark. Light rarely shines in through his books, but when it does you have to do a double take and wonder if you really read that correctly. "The Idiot" is really just about an idiot and how truly stupid and masochistic he is. The end.