
Melissa Manwill Manwill itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Melissa Manwill Manwill itibaren Texas

Melissa Manwill Manwill itibaren Texas


Avrupa ya da İngiliz benzeri bir Orta Çağ'dan ziyade Japonya benzeri bir Orta Çağ'da geçmesi olağandışı bir fantezi. Bunu gerçekten sevmek istedim, ama dil aksak olma eğilimindeydi


I read this whole story on her blog and really enjoyed it there - it was a fun clean Harlequin-ish story there, and I expect this would be the same, probably just taken from the entries there, although she may have done some editing since. Fun love story.


I'm really enjoying this mystery series. I'm learning about Mennonite, motorcycles and dairy farming. I never would have expected that combination.