Devlin Donnelly Donnelly itibaren 27510 Nande, Lugo, İspanya
Like the website, PoW constantly shifts back and forth between making fun of images that are hilarious (guy shopping while dressed in a full set of Halo "Master Chief" armour) and ones that are just a bit mean (people who may be homeless or are morbidly obese). It's usually more amusing than cruel, but it's hard to put down the book and not feel a bit irritated by some of the cheap shots it occasionally makes against people who aren't always fair targets. I'm happy to report that the book does feature a pic of that older gentleman who's on the website all the time dressed in what can only be called "Pimp-Fab" outfits. Hooray!
this book is amazing!! its abouut this girl named keisha who suffurs a hard battle her whole life. her love of her life died in a suicide and she just cant ake it. she searches a path to see if she is just alone for ever or if she will find that 1 true love. she sees her best friend rhonda and her boyfriend b.j and she thinks why cant i have my true love like that. one day kiesha decided to take andy's little brother to a picnic that her school has every year. but he was sccared because his big brother wasnt there to protect him the ghost stories. i rate this book 5 stars because it shows that comitting suicide doesnt resolve anything it just makes it worse. i would recommend this book to people who like to hear about real life things and problems that can happen.