
itibaren Gorakh Nath, Haryana, India itibaren Gorakh Nath, Haryana, India

Okuyucu itibaren Gorakh Nath, Haryana, India

itibaren Gorakh Nath, Haryana, India


I was initially thrilled to see this book because I feel like exhistential nihilism is not addressed enough in young adult lit. People often underestimate teen's desires to explore deep ideas, but I think this is the time in life when we start asking questions about the meaning of life, so YA is in someways the perfect genre for this topic. the book itself is a shocking and harrowing page turner. I enjoyed reading it and am still thinking about, and I'm still not sure what to make of it. Read this book if you like to be challenged and think about ideas in new ways.


Beautiful and simple style tells a story about people who just happen to be Indian. She doesn't drown the story in style. The narrative occupies centerstage and the story telling is natural, not contrived. Full of detail.


more required reading....


a group is sranded on a island and being murder one by one.