
Sabine Borgwart Borgwart itibaren Piskivka, Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine itibaren Piskivka, Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine

Okuyucu Sabine Borgwart Borgwart itibaren Piskivka, Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine

Sabine Borgwart Borgwart itibaren Piskivka, Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine


this is one of my favorite books of all time. anne fadiman writes with such beauty and the story plays out many of the struggles between cultural/spiritual belief and western medicine. she never takes the easy route and tries to give us an answer, just allows us to examine all of the questions, which makes the reader a richer person for it! the hmong child at the center of the book has epilepsy and her recently immigrated parents believe that it is because of a lost spirit, hence the title. the author delves deep to look at all of the ways that their culture clashes with our western/american understandings of illness, medicine, parenting, and communication. she chronicles the constant clashes and misunderstandings between the hmong family and their daughter's doctors, giving us the opportunity to see the good and bad of both ways. just go on and read it, you all. you will be SO glad you did.