
itibaren Macclenny, FL 32063, Spojené státy americké itibaren Macclenny, FL 32063, Spojené státy americké

Okuyucu itibaren Macclenny, FL 32063, Spojené státy americké

itibaren Macclenny, FL 32063, Spojené státy americké


Traci Bee knocked it out of the park with the one! I only bought this book after it came highly recommended by Treasure E. Blue. I have to say, it recommendation did not disappoint. In this book, Simone is a woman who experiences so many trials and tribulations in her young life. With everything happening to her, what else is there to say but "Two Tears a Bucket..."


Made me want to go on a road trip, just not with jerks that talk like this, think like this, write like this, and act like this. Ugh.


Imagine my surprise as a sophomore or junior in high school to find that about 25 oft-used linguistic tropes come from this short play alone. Shakespeare's ability to manipulate language into timeless bon mots is one of the things that impressed, and impresses, me most about him, and I write that with more respect than I can show. I enjoyed Shakespeare before Hamlet, and worshiped him after it.


If you're looking for a fun read, this is your book.