Myung Geun Yu Geun Yu itibaren Alaipur, Bangladeş
Bunu çok hızlı bitirdiğim için rahatsız oldum, çünkü önümüzdeki hafta Meksika'ya gittiğimde mükemmel bir akıllı kişi-uçak kitabı olurdu.
Good battles (+ glad to see the end of a certain Akatsuki member...). Introduction of an intriguing character. Revisits older characters. All in all, good stuff.
This is a strange, short book about a prickly woman who does nothing much with her life. Miss Symons has a family who don't seem to like her much, has her only chance at marriage stolen away by her sister, doesn't enjoy doing good works and travels in Europe as a way more of escaping from herself than as a means of learning about other countries and their ways. Miss Symons is not only strange, but she's an "odd" woman in the sense of not being paired with a man as contemporary society expected and also in the sense of being thought odd for not being able to find a husband. There isn't much dialogue in the novel and it's told by a third-person narrator so this distances the reader from Miss Symons and almost makes her feel like the subject of a social experiment being observed by the reader. I quite enjoyed it, despite the main character being irritating at times, and found it a quick read. An interesting peek into women's lives at the turn of the 20th century.
Great summer book -- I'll definitely be rereading this book again this summer!
I hated this book. I thought it would get better, and it never did.
sounds very interesting