
Stu Giles Giles itibaren Court Colman, Bridgend, Bridgend CF31 4NG, İngiltere itibaren Court Colman, Bridgend, Bridgend CF31 4NG, İngiltere

Okuyucu Stu Giles Giles itibaren Court Colman, Bridgend, Bridgend CF31 4NG, İngiltere

Stu Giles Giles itibaren Court Colman, Bridgend, Bridgend CF31 4NG, İngiltere


Neil Gaiman is made of fairy dust and folklore--he is truly otherworldly, and in my top five favorite authors. Not only does he take his time while savoring what he writes, but he finds time to do so much--interviews, journals, short stories, concerts, guest appearances, readings--I do believe he may be cloned!


I did not know how much poetry could help me until I read this book. Breaks you open and spreads your guts out on the table, stuffing everything back in by each poem's end. Piercy lives to destroy and create. She's fierce man. We fall in love with strangers whose faces radiate a familiar power that reminds us of something lost before we had it. The braille of the studious fingers instructs exactly what we have succumbed to, far too late to close, to retract the self that has extruded from us naked, vulnerable and sticky, the foot, the tentative eyestalked head of the mating snail. -from Night Flight by Marge Piercy