
Emma Johns Johns itibaren Başlamış Köyü itibaren Başlamış Köyü

Okuyucu Emma Johns Johns itibaren Başlamış Köyü

Emma Johns Johns itibaren Başlamış Köyü


This book was very hard for me to get through. I think it was partly because I am not into this genre of book. It started off really exciting with the murder of Nobody's family, but after that came a series of confusing and weird stories that killed the book for me. Gaiman did an okay job of developing his characters, but at times I felt like I really didn't fully understand the main characters (ex: Silas and Bod). The ending of the book was better than the middle, and things sped up towards the end. I liked when the man Jack came back into the story and thought he should have been a bigger part of it throughout the mini-stories. However, I did really enjoy the graphics part of the novel and I found myself wanting to spend more time looking at those rather than continuing to read. Overall, I had a hard time trying to find something I could teach out of this book besides literary/writing style. I could see myself teaching how to write mini-stories within a larger plot, and use this book as a good example of how to do so. Otherwise, I think I would have a hard time teaching this book to any level in the classroom.