
Ahmet Kandemir Kandemir itibaren 235, טייוואן, 新北市中和區秀明里 itibaren 235, טייוואן, 新北市中和區秀明里

Okuyucu Ahmet Kandemir Kandemir itibaren 235, טייוואן, 新北市中和區秀明里

Ahmet Kandemir Kandemir itibaren 235, טייוואן, 新北市中和區秀明里


** spoiler alert ** Again I would give this book 1.5 stars. There really was not much excitement in this book. I felt that this book could have jus been a chapter or two in another book. There was alot of talking going on between the characters but no issues were resolved, in fact more issues were created with the kidnap of Yvonna's daughter, Bilal Jr who is now in the picture as a teenager, and the deaths of Penny & Gabriella. This book was a mess. It was all over the place & did not tie up loose ends. Even if there is the promise of a book 5, this book could hv been a little more consistent on character development. I'm ready to jus find out who is responsible for what & if people are really who they say they are in these books.


Sarah Vowell has a dry, morose sense of humor. It goes well with a short history of the Lincoln, McKinley, and Garfield assassinations.