
Lucas Inacio Inacio itibaren 930 10 brattas, İsveç itibaren 930 10 brattas, İsveç

Okuyucu Lucas Inacio Inacio itibaren 930 10 brattas, İsveç

Lucas Inacio Inacio itibaren 930 10 brattas, İsveç


Kitabı yayınlandığında ortaya çıkan yorum dalgasıyla yüzleşmek için okudum, bu saniyelerin her birinde boşuna kaybetmek gibi hissettiren şey tarif edilemez. İntihallere ek olarak, Brown, insanlık tarihinde şimdiye kadar yaratılan en kötü roman ve en talihsiz ve gerçek dışı karakterler olan kötü bir yazar için suçlamalarla karşı karşıya kalmalıdır. Oh, ve İsa Mesih'in mitini ticari yapmak için ...


This was a really interesting book. Chabon created an alternate history in Sitka, Alaska, a territory fictionally given to Jews during WW2 as a refuge from the holocaust. The story takes place on the eve of re-annexation of the land back to the United States, forcing the Jews living there into a new diaspora. In the midst of all of this the main character, Meyer Landsman (a police detective whose personal life is in total disarray), is thrown into a murder mystery which involves a group of gangster orthodox jews, his tangled family relationships, a small but excellent pie shop, and lots of chess. The thing I love about both books I've read by Michael Chabon is the richness of his language (although a bit salty in places) and the vitality of his characters. Landsman, Bina (his ex-wife and boss), Berko (his cousin and detective partner), and the murdered Mendel are all amazing creations, full of humor and complexity.


The twists in this book! The ending! One year later and there is still speculation on just what the last book is going to bring based on the revelations in the 6th book.


OK, OK, I'll have to start this over at this point. Got about 2/3 of the way through. This seems to be a pattern with me and Pynchon books.


Amazing book that I am glad my english teacher forced me to read for class.