
Schalk Du Plessis Du Plessis itibaren West Mahanoy Township itibaren West Mahanoy Township

Okuyucu Schalk Du Plessis Du Plessis itibaren West Mahanoy Township

Schalk Du Plessis Du Plessis itibaren West Mahanoy Township


Of all the books of this type that I've read (Twilight, Evernight, Sookie Stackhouse, Betsy the Vampire Queen) this is my favorite. It's not a stupid love story with sidelines of interesting. It has mystery, great character development, and a fresh take on the genre. I especially liked that the story evolved around a strong female character and that the most prominent relationship was an amazing friendship. Then, only after you really get to know the central character, does a side romance come into play, and it doesn't feel fake. It's slow, unsure, and we learn things as the characters themselves do. Much more realistic than the "omg I see you and you're so hot, I am in love with you" crap. I'm not the demographic this book is targeted at (I'm a mom and working professional), but I enjoy the YA books because they feel more real, and I think smut in adult books is so contrived. Well worth the read! Why not 5 stars? Well, I only give a five to absolutely amazing work, like Robert Jordan or J.K. Rowling. So a 4 is pretty good in my books.