
Ivan Burguete Burguete itibaren Ayyıldız Mahallesi, 06796 Etimesgut/Ankara, Turchia itibaren Ayyıldız Mahallesi, 06796 Etimesgut/Ankara, Turchia

Okuyucu Ivan Burguete Burguete itibaren Ayyıldız Mahallesi, 06796 Etimesgut/Ankara, Turchia

Ivan Burguete Burguete itibaren Ayyıldız Mahallesi, 06796 Etimesgut/Ankara, Turchia


the second adventure for percy and annabeth. i just like all the characters of this series! they are great developed and not very easily divided in good or bad (just like the greek gods, which is making them so human and interesting and likable). what i like most about this series is how the myths work and interfere with the real world, like Hermes inventing the internet. it actually is very easy to believe that all these creatures are somewhere in the world and we just can't see them. i really like that idea, somehow... i mean, that would include that there are real heros living among us as well...


Charming wonderful book of characters who are trying to solve a murder and get tangled into alot more. Love Coop and Shay!! Funny and entertaining.