
Mohsen Mirahmadi Mirahmadi itibaren 882 95 Minkelberget, Sweden itibaren 882 95 Minkelberget, Sweden

Okuyucu Mohsen Mirahmadi Mirahmadi itibaren 882 95 Minkelberget, Sweden

Mohsen Mirahmadi Mirahmadi itibaren 882 95 Minkelberget, Sweden


Wow, what a piece of shit. I think a entire half of this book was boring details about Conan traipsing through the forest being a survivor, skinning animals, making fire, fishing, etc. I know it sounds cool to do, but it's boring to read about. I think the writer was looking for word count. The writer's also got an annoying foot fetish that pops up every once in a while with Conan's girlfriend. The ending was really abrupt, the narrative voice was shitty, etc. I think this guy's writing career consists of 11 Conan books and some sci-fi novel "published" online. BUT, this book was saved from the pit of 1-stars by a few lines that were complete AWESOME. I quote: "Yet by now, pain was a devalued coin in Conan's inner economy." "At this action, sighs and lewd remarks sounded from across the room. The tavern women - four of them, in assorted sizes, shapes, and slatternly costumes - seemed genuinely impressed by the baring of the outlander's [i.e., Conan's:] husky torso. Two drifted over, cooing with admiration, to stroke the sleek fur of the cape and the sleeker, muscular pelt of its owner. To these intimacies he failed to respond, except with impatient snorts and sullen, dangerous glances that soon drove his admirers to Regnard's side of the table."