
Yohan Gelule Gelule itibaren 4962 Untersunzing, Austria itibaren 4962 Untersunzing, Austria

Okuyucu Yohan Gelule Gelule itibaren 4962 Untersunzing, Austria

Yohan Gelule Gelule itibaren 4962 Untersunzing, Austria


Ended up loving this book, wasn't so sure about the format when I started it since it's all in letter form. I do enjoy WWII novels and this was a part of history I didn't know much about. I didn't know the Channel islands were occupied during the war, so was interesting to here how the people of Guernsey survived it. It's a quick read and very enjoyable.


A great read - very relaxing, fast paced, hard to put down, intricate plot. I did find the ending somewhat of an anticlimax. Did I learn much from it? Mixed first and third person POVs was an interesting technique, new to me. 4.5 stars for this.


I've read all the Louis Lamour westerns (and his other stuff too) multiple times, but really haven't read too many other westerns other than a couple by Loren Estelman. Best's Shopkeeper is a little less genteel than Louis Lamour's normal fare - other than perhaps Sacket, where Ange gets killed by bad guys. Most of Lamour's stuff tends to be pretty tame, in that the good guy never lets anything bad happen to a damsel in distress if he can help it. Dancy makes an interesting choice which gives some texture to the character. He's not perfect and the story doesn't always go along a straight and simple course. The plot is relatively intricate, but not over thought. It's a fast paced story (I read it in one sitting), that doesn't ever get bogged down. The only thing in the story that I wasn't sure of was the economy. By that I mean the cost of goods, for example $2 for breakfast seems like a lot for 1879. But it is a small quibble and perhaps is realistic in a mining boom town. Best isn't afraid to drop the F-bomb in his dialog and some of his characters are a little rough around the edges. All in all it was pleasant diversion, with good thoughtful conversations and believable plotting. Best doesn't waste much time with description, but has enough to keep the story interesting. Recommended if you like Lamour.