
M itibaren Fosso Pietroso RM, Italien itibaren Fosso Pietroso RM, Italien

Okuyucu M itibaren Fosso Pietroso RM, Italien

M itibaren Fosso Pietroso RM, Italien


This is one of those books that is difficult to critique because you don't want to come across as trying to comment on the experience. That being said, I appreciated the writing style. I found that it was honest and exact without being too sentimental or emotional in a situation that could easily be that type of writing. The moments of utter anguish and emotional pain came across as real and not overdone. Trying to convey those surreal feelings and experiences is not an easy feat and I found that the way the sequence of events were described made them relatable, in that it's an indescribable thing to have happen. I felt like I endured the journey of "understanding" with the people in the book. It was a story of adaption, not just survival. It was the ability to understand and relate to the logic that the narrator expressed that amazed me. You understand the experience of something but only after you've experienced it; not that I could ever understand what it felt like but unfolding of the events is something I could follow not just accept he telling that it happened.


“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” My thoughts; I found it a struggle to read this one. If you want to read it for the plot alone I would advise against it as it requires your full attention in order to enjoy it. If you’re prepared to do a few internet searches after as an explanation to the importance of the details I would recommend it. My rating; FOR MY FULL REVIEW CLICK HERE