
Hamilton Lima Lima itibaren 983 03 Tjautjas, İsveç itibaren 983 03 Tjautjas, İsveç

Okuyucu Hamilton Lima Lima itibaren 983 03 Tjautjas, İsveç

Hamilton Lima Lima itibaren 983 03 Tjautjas, İsveç


A book of Celtic Wisdom beautifully written to the very end. Discusses topics ranging from friendship to death. Anama Cara ~ truly a friend for the soul


This was a very fast read, even for me. I finished it in about an a hour and I found it incredibly enjoyable. (The section about judges was just a little depressing because you know, these are the people that actually work for the justice system.) It's a relief to know that some criminals are just as stupid as you'd hope, so at least some people get caught. A very good read and I reccommend.


A wonderful look at one of the most capacious, interesting and important minds of the 20th Century. Feynman's life and contribution to science should be read by anyone who has a remote interest into how the world works.