John Giammichele Giammichele itibaren Driscoll, TX, Birleşik Devletler
After reading "Twilight" series I wasn't sure if I'd be able to find another supernatural vampire book to really enjoy. A friend suggested this book after seeing the HBO show. (No, I haven't seen the show)but enjoyed this book so much I read it in two days! I love the fact that vampires are common among humans (even though just like anything new in our world) not everyone has really accepted them. And Sookie, who is the main character, has an attraction to the first that comes to live in her town. And what makes her special... she can read minds. Being different - she feels a pull to him. There are some cliche's in the book, vampires sleeping in coffins, being staked, vampires bars where people want to give their own blood. But it also made the book more interesting and intriguing. Looking forward to the next book, and maybe even watching the series on HBO.
This was my first exposure to most of these women. Very interesting.