
Mayra Gusso Gusso itibaren Bariariya Tola Rajpur, Bihar 845434, Hindistan itibaren Bariariya Tola Rajpur, Bihar 845434, Hindistan

Okuyucu Mayra Gusso Gusso itibaren Bariariya Tola Rajpur, Bihar 845434, Hindistan

Mayra Gusso Gusso itibaren Bariariya Tola Rajpur, Bihar 845434, Hindistan


Çok güçlendirici, ilişki tavsiyesine ihtiyacım olduğunda bu kitaba başvuruyorum.


Bu, tüm suyu çıkarmak için üzerinde çalıştığım kitaplardan biri. Üçüncü kez. İlk geçiş: Önemli olduğunu düşündüğüm şeylerin altını çizdim. İkinci geçiş: Çok önemli olduğunu düşündüğüm altı çizili bölümlerin altını çizdim. Üçüncü geçiş: Altı çizili bölümleri dergime kopyalıyorum. Mayıs ayından bu yana bu kitapta çalıştığımıza inanamıyorum, ancak üçüncü geçişte bile yeni bir şey öğreniyorum.


Kendini beğenmiş, kendi kendine tatmin olmuş drivel; gülünç doruğa gülmek neredeyse okumaya değer. Büyümek. Booker Ödülü Adayı? Maskaralık. Bu kitap berbattı.


** spoiler alert ** Taken as a whole, Neil Gaiman's series The Sandman is probably my favorite comic book series. On the surface it is the story of Dream, one of the seven immortal beings known as the Endless. Each one embodies a concept over which they have dominion: Destiny, Death, Dreams, Destruction, Desire, Despair, and Delirium (formerly Delight). This is really just the jumping off point for Neil Gaiman's storytelling though. Since his main character is the "Prince of Stories", Gaiman felt entitled to tell any story he wanted. Horror, comedy, high concept fantasy, mythology, and countless other genre's make an appearance. Yet despite this, all these disparate story arcs eventually connect and merge until at the end it truly feels as if it is the inevitable conclusion of everything that came before. Frankly, don't have the words to sum up the series. Thankfully, Neil Gaiman was asked to sum up the Sandman in one sentence and did so brilliantly: "The King of Dreams learns that all things must change or die and makes his choice". That brilliance is why I love this series. Even among the cornucopia of pleasures that The Sandman provides, Season of Mists stands out. It starts simply enough. After a family meeting, Death basically uses guilt to convince dream to free an old lover that he cosigned to hell. He knows to do that he must cross paths with Lucifer, who he had offended earlier in the series. He girds himself for battle and prepares to storm the gates of hell itself. Up to this point it is a pretty typical comic book plot. But when he gets to hell he finds it empty. He eventually finds Lucifer, only to find out that he has tired of his duties and decided to quit. He kicked all of the demons and tortured souls out of hell, which is causing no end of chaos. He then locks the gate and gives Dream the key, making him the new ruler of hell. The key proves to be as devious a revenge as any could imagine, since there are many gods, demons, and manifestations of abstract concepts who desire it. Dream is trapped by his overwhelming sense of responsibility to consider all who desire the key. Meanwhile, the devil relaxes on a beach.


We always have to be careful when we make a wish. Abby Ryan was so pathetic about her boyfriend who broke up with her after quite a long relationship, and wished to forget him and everything she’d been through with him. As the book goes on, you learn how much she depended on him. Sadly, her wish had really happened; she was hit by falling debris when she was walking under a ladder on her way to work and has lost much of her long-term memory. Abby can't believe it's true. She feels fine. She even remembered what exactly happened the day before the accident. She didn’t fully understood how will the damage affect her daily life but the many neurologist and physiologists she spoke to tried to explain as much as they could. Her brain was damaged in the hippocampus which was the first stage of Alzheimer. Abby’s family was caring, loving and wonderfully supportive. They didn’t like how she spent all her time working after the break up. She even stopped meeting her friends or going out anymore. She didn’t care about anything. Although her sister, Caroline, never gave up on talking to and advising her, she never listened. She started to get used to the damage and going back to her normal life, but with a new Abby. She decided to live her life and do all the things she wanted to do. She did a list of to-do things. She started going out with friends and chilling again. She made her life worth living and forgot about her brain damage that would’ve made her lose her memory and life. What I liked the most in this novel was the optimism in her, the strength to never give up! I think that it’s simply telling that in our lives, we will face a lot of problems that we might think that they are the end of the world but no, it’s your life, you chose how to live it no matter how people frustrate you or let you down, you can still stand on your legs and can prove them wrong and just be happy! Love the life, and it’ll love you back.


It is a true story written by a woman whose mother suffered from schizophrenia. She tries to understand how it was that no one tried to stop the madness that surrounded her childhood.