
Eleonora Zangh Zangh itibaren Ribaritsa, Bulgaristan itibaren Ribaritsa, Bulgaristan

Okuyucu Eleonora Zangh Zangh itibaren Ribaritsa, Bulgaristan

Eleonora Zangh Zangh itibaren Ribaritsa, Bulgaristan


I am intrigued by how the pendulum for YA books is swinging towards a dystopian society (ie., Hunger Games) so I was interested in Matched. However, I liked the story, but found myself unable to connect with, or care about, Cassia and her life. She starts out a young girl who seems very happy with her life and completely fine with the Officials who control it, but grows into a girl who wants to make her own choices and decides to fight to do so. But I was never completely able to believe she could or would. I was just ready for her to accept her fate and move on with Xander and was truly surprised when she didn't. The world Cassia lives in is so two dimensional, I had a hard time immersing myself in it and caring whether she got out or not.