
Claudia Ribeiro Ribeiro itibaren Texas itibaren Texas

Okuyucu Claudia Ribeiro Ribeiro itibaren Texas

Claudia Ribeiro Ribeiro itibaren Texas


Ok this was a good read. Not a great read, and certainly, Morrell has done better. Now this book was written some time ago and I only just read it. It was very crazy to read a book where the characters didn't have cell phones. In one caption, the main character remarks about someone's "walkman". Overall, an interesting story and fast paced plot. Some good twists and turns and good for a light read.


The perfect read if you're a woman, and you want to feel both empowered as a woman and angry about how women are treated. Be warned, sometimes her man-hating / paranoid tendencies are a little much.


I little long and overtold. I guess I prefer the Sherlock short stories better. Really good mystery though.


I simply do not understand the hype about this guy - do you know he's one of the most widely read authors worldwide? I found it trite.