Jacinta Pereira Pereira itibaren Quirali, Uttarakhand, Hindistan
I hated this book too! Although I hated it because I loved it. I just hated Scarlette SOOOOOOOOOOO much that when I got to the middle/end of the book with her being SUCh a freaking bitch, I threw the book against the wall and vowed never to pick it up again. If yo are a drtonger person than I, I highly reccomend it. But if you can't stand seeing good people get punished, read it until you can't stand it, and then throw it against your wall :)
I really enjoyed "The Godfather." I had not seen the movie and was hooked on the story. Great read! However, I was not as big of a fan of the movie. The book reads fast and there is never a dull moment.